Power washing services in New Jersey don’t come cheap, and for good reason! If you are not skilled with power washing equipment, you could do major damage to yourself, your home, or your property. Professional power washing companies in NJ have their staff trained extensively for safety and check our equipment often to ensure it is working as well as it can. Can you say the same about your DIY project? Today, we’re going to talk about the extra power washing dangers that can occur during winter months, and why hiring a professional power washing company in NJ is a better idea!

Increased Fall Risk

One of the biggest risks you face when power washing your own property is the risk of falling, and this is even more true during the winter months! Between snow and ice, winter gusts of wind, and shorter daylight hours, power washing puts you at risk of falling, especially if you are climbing to wash tall windows or to clean your roof.

Water Expands When It Freezes

If you’ve ever forgotten a bottle of water in the freezer for too long, you know how damaging this force of nature can be! But many people forget just how much water can expand during a freeze, or all the places water can go. When you power wash, water tends to get everywhere—including cracks in your sidewalk, cracks in your foundation, or gaps between your siding. Once the temps drop, it may look like someone took a crow bar to your home! Avoid this risk by working with a professional power washing company that has a plan for all that water.

Frozen Homes Are Fragile

Keep in mind that your home structures are more fragile when the temperatures drop below freezing. In fact, most professional home cleaning companies in NJ will not power wash when temperatures are below 40 because of the risk of cracking or breaking home elements. Take a tip from the pros and keep your power washing to the warmer months—or hire a professional power washing company in NJ for the best results.
For all your professional cleaning needs, call Above ‘N Beyond in New Jersey!